
After spending the morning lamenting about not getting a Affleck Batman figure, I went ahead and ordered that Suicide Squad Starter Box that I originally passed on a week ago.  The difference is that this online edition comes with that Batfleck figure, the one at the store didn’t.  Yay!

Besides the figures shown, this set comes with scenery, specifically a couple of buildings, which I’ve found to be pretty pricey on their own.  There’s also other figures and tokens/markers/dice/etc. that would cost a lot more than this box, if purchased separately.

Quite a deal, even with all the other stuff that I’ve already picked up.

Overload II

I’m making up for not getting the Batman Miniatures Game sooner than I did, by picking up a lot of product for it.

Like this guy:

I’m nicknaming him ‘Dammit, Barry!’


I received so many items for so many different games yesterday, and stupidly tried to go through all of them last night.

Big mistake.

I couldn’t focus on one thing or another, in addition to attempting to play the second mission of the Phantom Leader campaign that I started.  It was a total failure, all planes shot down, but only because I forgot to employ a couple of rules, like pilot EVADE.  Whoops.

I guess I’ll rerun the mission sometime soon.

I sorted the cards and punched the counters for Warfighter.  I skimmed the rules.

I attempted to figure out how to run a fight in the Batman Miniatures Game.  I also found a box to store all the miscellaneous markers and templates for the game.

I opened up the Starfire Gorm-Khanate War expansion.  I almost punched the counters.

I assembled and primed the miniatures that I got from Crossover Miniatures, including the one I’m using for The Koala in Mutants and Masterminds.

Meanwhile, I was watching the Warriors/Thunder game, Supergirl and 24: Legacy.  Good to see Oded Fehr back on TV.

There’s simply not enough time in a day to do everything that I’d like to do.

As a side note, this morning I ordered a few counter trays for all the wargames that I’ve picked up in the last couple of weeks.  Odd that you’d have to pay extra for counter trays, they used to come with the games, back in the day.

And Knight Models got back to me regarding the Superman miniature defect, they’ll be sending me a replacement part in a couple of weeks, so I’ll just put off assembly until then.  Yay!

All this with baseball approaching.

See why I can’t podcast?

Review: Kong: Skull Island

Best non-Star Wars movie I’ve seen in a few years.  Though except for Rogue One, it’s probably the best movie I’ve seen in quite a while, which surprised me.

As I said elsewhere, I was in tears during the fight scenes.  They were beautiful to watch.

If anything, this movie reminded me why I love giant monster movies, and in this case, Kong.

I remember seeing the original 1933 movie when I was little, and while it was scary, I was more scared when the biplanes attacked Kong.

In King Kong vs. Godzilla, I recall how upset I was at Kong when he beat Godzilla, but later realized that Godzilla was the villain in that movie.

I remember my aunt bringing us to see the 1976 film at the old Serramonte 6 theatre (now a BevMo) and how annoyed I was that Kong wasn’t as big as he was in the movie posters.

And then the poster idea was copied…

Heh.  But I digress.

Then came the Peter Jackson film, which was actually 2 films in one: Kong on Skull Island and Kong in New York.  I don’t think I’ve ever watched it more than once, not because I didn’t like it, but because it’s such a long movie.

Except for the last one, I think I’ve seen the others many times.

Oh, and then there’s this one…

I may have seen this one… once?

Anyways, Kong: Skull Island is a good movie, with a fantastic cast.  I thought I’d be annoyed with John C. Reilly, but I wasn’t, and even Samuel L. Jackson didn’t phone in his performance.

Corey Hawkins is much better in this than he is in 24: Legacy.

Also, it’s very weird to see Nick Fury, Loki, and Captain Marvel all on screen together in a non-Marvel film.

I look forward to what comes next from Legendary and their kaiju/monster movies.

Fantastic Beasts

I watched it this morning and really liked it.  I kinda regret not seeing it on the big screen.

I grew bored with the Harry Potter movie franchise after Goblet of Fire.  I’m not sure why, exactly, and splitting the last book into two movies didn’t help to change how I felt.  I don’t think I saw the last 3-4 in the theatre.

Even though the movie takes place in the same universe as Harry Potter, the change in time period helped it become more appealing to me.

Aside from the cast, who I either loved or didn’t know they were in it (Ezra Miller!  Jon Voight!) my favorite part of the movie were, of course, the beasts.

I went and ordered this:

Niffler POP! Vinyl figure *squeee*

And this as well:

Newt Scamander’s wand

I’ve never wanted a prop wand from any of the characters in the Harry Potter movies (though I did almost pick up Snape’s a while back), but for some reason, I wanted this one.

Overall, I thought it  was an entertaining movie, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.  I just hope I don’t grow tired of them as I did with the original Potter films.


I’ve been an $10-$20 earbud guy forever, with a couple of pairs of wired over-the-ear headphones attached to my desktop and laptop at home.

I started looking into noise-cancelling headphones, mainly for the level of noise at times at work.  At the recommendation of my co-worker, I picked this up.

Bose Quietcomfort 35 wireless noise-cancelling headphones

I tried them at Best Buy, along with a couple of Beats by Dre models, and this one blocked out ambient noise better than the others did, just as my co-worker said they did.

This is definitely the priciest audio accessory that I’ve ever bought, next to my iPod.

I’ve been wearing them right now for about 30 minutes, and I really like them.  They’re good for audio books, too.

The 50s

March 9th, 1967: premiere date of Star Trek episode ‘The Devil in the Dark’.

Dispatched to the mining colony on Janus VI, the Enterprise is tasked to investigate rumors of a strange, subterranean creature responsible for destruction of equipment and the deaths of fifty miners. Kirk and Spock discover a silicon-based life form, a Horta, which lives in the surrounding rock. After Kirk and his Vulcan first officer find the strange creature, Spock performs a mind meld, discovering the reason behind the Horta’s attacks.

This episode holds a special place in my memories because it was the first Star Trek fotonovel that I bought, which means it was one of the first books that I ever bought on my own, with my allowance.  I think I got it from Gemco.

It was a great episode, with a really cool monster, the Horta.

I still have an unopened Spock action figure that I picked up last year after that Star Trek concert.  Perhaps I should open it.


It was okay.

FOX still can’t create anything that compares to even the Netflix Marvel stuff.  Seriously.

It had some cool moments, but as a whole it was just kinda ‘meh’.

That’s really all I can say.