
Nice to have a day away from the office.

Although I had to wait for the new refrigerator to arrive, after which I went to the grocery store to pick up some replacement groceries, like milk and condiments and soda.

I managed to play a baseball game (John D’Acquisto 1974 season, game 5) and catch a few more episodes of Thunderbirds are GO on Amazon streaming.

How’s your day?


Edit: I forgot to hit ‘Publish’ on this one late last night (Wednesday).


I have way too many sports games at this point.

Hell, I have way too many games, period, at this point.

Thing is, I want to play them all, even ones that I haven’t even read the rules for yet, because at some point they appealed enough to me that I actually shelled out monies for them.



Arrow was not annoying for the second week in a row.  This may be due to the writers getting better, or the addition of Dinah Drake and Talia al Ghul, both of whom added some substance to the story through their observations on Ollie.


Watching the Warriors game, and I STILL am in awe that KEVIN DURANT IS A WARRIOR.


I checked out the first half of Legion on FX.  I’ll watch the second half before I make some comment about it.

TV Viewing

Crap, 24: Legacy is on Monday nights, opposite Supergirl.

Yeah, I can DVR one or the other, or have them magically appear on my PC, but Dad will want to watch 24.

Super Bowl Sunday!

So that was one helluva game.

To be honest, I was just rooting for the Pats to lose.  But what a comeback.


24: Legacy was a lot better than I was expecting it to be.


It still takes me quite a while to play a game of Second Season football.  I was distracted by the actually football game, though, and I just finished the 1st quarter at the end of the real game.


Game Day food was BBQ pulled pork sliders.

So far, so good…

I’ve kept myself to checking social media once every hour or two, and when I do get on Facebook or Twitter, I log off if I see more than 2-3 political posts in my timeline.

This is for me, not for you.  Don’t feel slighted if I or anyone else is checking in less often.  We do what we need to do for our own well being.

Meanwhile, I have to get back into the novel Life Debt, as the next book in the Aftermath series comes out in about 2 and a half weeks!  Yikes!

And, after watching just the first 10 minutes of the second episode of Riverdale, I’ve decided to stop.  It’s just TOO teen angsty and 90’s WB/CW in it’s tone.  I’ll stick to the recent Archie Comic by Mark Waid, thanks.

And I liked Powerless.  It has potential.

Also, I hope they sell that ‘Sleeping Draymond’ blanket to the general public.

Feb 1st

Something I heard this morning regarding social media is that nowadays it’s harder to post about the mundane  because many feel it’s inappropriate to do so.

Fuck that noise.

Here’s Felicity Jones ‘playing’ with herself.


I honestly didn’t think it would happen this soon.

Peter Capaldi has announced that he will be leaving Doctor Who after the 2017 Christmas Special.


I was hoping that he’d play the Doctor for at least as long as Tom Baker.  But he’ll have done the requisite 3 series/seasons that David Tennant and Matt Smith had both done, though Tennant technically did a ‘4th’ season of specials.

Odds have been posted on who the next actor to take the role will be, with my personal pick (Rory Kinnear) currently at 7:1.

I’m saddened, truth be told, that Capaldi is leaving.  Depending on how his final series goes, I think he’ll be my second favorite Doctor, after Baker and slightly ahead of, if not just tied with, Christopher Eccleston.

For now, I’ll just say thank you, Doctor.

Weekend Goals?


Played some table top baseball.

Painted Blood Bowl lizardman miniatures.

Built LEGO van/caravan set.

Replaced Keurig machine with larger capacity Keurig machine.


Work on Lunchtime D&D campaign.

Do a dry run of a podcast, unless you count the 1-hour phone conversation that I had with my mystery co-host.

Start watching The Man in the High Castle, Season 2.

Justice League Dark

Another great job by the DC Animated Universe group.

It was especially cool to hear Matt Ryan as John Constantine, prior to the upcoming CW Seed animated series.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars.