Checking in

Yesterday I completed a group therapy program for people who are diagnosed with fatty liver.

I got to see people in various stages of fatty liver, with me at the beginning stages, one person who  has cirrhosis, and another person who beat liver cancer.

If anything this was a ‘scared straight’ situation for me.  And there’s already been some positive results.

My ‘no excuse November’ crusade resulted in me finally getting back on the weight loss wagon, through exercise and some dietary changes.

This program has finally got me into full fledged dietary *lifestyle* changes, for a more sustainable weight loss regimen.

The group therapy showed me the whys and hows I needed to change my thinking, and it all reinforced my desire to really lose weight/get healthy again.

I also signed up for Noom again, with a better understanding of just what they’re all about, and the lessons are sticking this time.

Anyways, as of this morning, I’m .2 lbs shy of my pre-pandemic (March 12 2020) weight.

So now I can get to the weight loss program that my doctor had outlined a week before the pandemic started, along with more effective tools and a mindset to do it.

The bottom line is that I wanna live.  So no more of this living in a pre-diabetic state along with the threat of liver cirrhosis, I need to lose the weight and keep it off, dammit.

I got this.  Thanks to that therapy, and thanks to family and friends who helped me whether they know it or not.

Onward.  Forward.