Find a Crew

I found a random name/age/home state generator for Target for Today.

The crew of the B-17 Flying Fortress “Super-X”:

Name Rank Age Home State
Bomber Super-X
Pilot Wallace Thompson Lt. 21 NY
Co-Pilot Leon Mitchell Lt. 28 OH
Navigator Ronald Long Lt. 22 TN
Bombardier Chester Bryant Lt. 25 CT
Engineer Wayne Hill Sgt. 21 IL
Radio Operator David Stewart Sgt. 22 MT
Ball Gunner Billy Hughes Sgt. 23 NJ
Left Waist Gunner Edwin Bennett Sgt. 23 GA
Right Waist Gunner Philip Martin Sgt. 20 CA
Tail Gunner Joe Hayes Sgt. 21 MA

This gives the game a bit more ‘character’, like it did in the older B-17 Queen of the Skies.  By putting names to a fictional crew, you pull for them to survive.

Back in the day, I used names of people I knew.  Still do, as the B-17 QotS campaign for the bomber “Facebook” will attest.

First mission is ready, raid on the airfields of Amiens, France.

Wheels up in the morning.  I should be done with the rules by then.