This gave me a chance to take pictures with the 50mm fixed lens.
No one played this ship, just an initial test picture
My ship: the Numerator-class. Looks like a runabout from DS9
Cashy monies
Starting positions
Ray’s turn (and his hand)
The Kiln, a space station orbiting a local star
I ran the NPC merchant ship
Bad die-roll (a 2)
Blind jump into the star, Xia…
Game well underway
Nelson’s ship
Ray’s ship
A comet!
Howard taking his turn. Or eating.
Ray contemplating his next move. Or eating.
Nelson watching the others play. Or they’re eating.
I got to upgrade my ship! Woohoo!
Mine’s the blue one…
I decided to go after a pirate ship that spawned. I blew it away with a combo of missles and blasters. This move won me the game. Yay!