
Preseason, 1993, Giants Fan Fest (or what they held prior to Fan Fest):

They set up tables for autographs and I stood in a different line than my sibs.

After waiting in line for about 30 minutes, I left the line I was in and stood with my sisters in another line.

A few minutes later, the players started to come out and sit at the tables for autographs.  I can’t remember if we were in line for Darren Lewis or Royce Clayton.

The line that I had left?

Willie Mays started signing.

I was kicking myself (and continue to do so to this day) because I missed my chance to meet my Dad’s favorite player of all time, and possibly get a picture with him and an autograph for my Dad.

Later when I told my Dad what happened, he just kind of shrugged and said that it was okay.  But I was (and still am) upset with myself because even 31 years ago, Willie Mays was a big frickin’ deal to me.

He still is a big deal to me, even though I actually have no memory of seeing him play with the Giants.

Rest in Peace, Say Hey Kid.