RPGaDay 2019
I love gaming.
‘Nuff said.
aka Blog v4.0
RPGaDay 2019
Our group was more apt to have a cliffhanger than actual suspense. We rarely finished a scenario in one session, regardless of how late into the night/early morning we’d play.
One that sticks out was FASA’s “A Doomsday like Any Other”, a sequel to “The Doomsday Machine”.
Upon trying the ‘Kirk maneuver’ (i.e. blow up a ship from the inside of the maw), the crew found that we failed, and the GM stopped the adventure at that point.
Suspense would be not revealing the result until the next session.
RPGaDay 2019
The one problem I have as a gamer is the number of ideas that have fallen by the wayside because of lack of time to really do anything with these ideas.
We had huge plans to introduce a full on galactic war with our late ’80s FASA Trek campaign. Three of us spent a couple of hours in the back room of the old Gamemasters on Geary Blvd. I even hung up my copy of the Star Trek maps on the magnetic board in order to visualize where the war would take place.
This was supposed to be in conjunction with a ground forces module that never came to be from FASA.
There were grand ideas for all of our systems that we played in, past and present.
I still get ideas now, but these are put on hold/permanent hiatus because of the ever-changing wants and needs of our current gaming group.
We’ve changed RPG systems so quickly due to lack of material or simply loss of interest (in my case) of playing/running a system.
And now we’re back to D&D.
RPGaDay 2019
Man, these are getting tougher.
Calamity could be what described as what happens before the big to-do that finishes up a scenario.
It’s what make the games worth playing, I suppose.
RPGaDay 2019
There may have been a few times when my gaming group was genuinely surprised by something in an adventure.
Good times.
RPGaDay 2019
In the last three (including current) D&D 5E campaigns that I’ve played, I’ve played a character with a noble background.
Thing is I’ve never really played it up, always focusing on the combat and other physical attributes of the character.
For this current campaign I decided to take “Noble: Knight” for my character’s background, instead of “Position of Privilege”. So now I have three retainers who follow me around and do stuff for me.
I even picked up some miniatures to represent them.
I named them Kelex, Boothby, and Harcourt.
I’ll let you figure out who’s who. I’m not sure what to do with the serving girl.