
RPGaDay 2019

Man, these are getting tougher.

Calamity could be what described as what happens before the big to-do that finishes up a scenario.

  • The villain attacks.
  • The town is about to be destroyed.
  • The planet is about to explode.
  • The volcano is about to erupt.

It’s what make the games worth playing, I suppose.


RPGaDay 2019

Any time our group finished a scenario felt like a triumph.

Most of the time each of the characters had a moment to shine in every session we played, so it felt like a combined success whenever we finished.

So yeah.  Triumph.  Woohoo!


RPGaDay 2019

There may have been a few times when my gaming group was genuinely surprised by something in an adventure.

  • The reveal of an unexpected villain or enemy.
  • The arrival of ‘the cavalry’.
  • The simple face that we survived an encounter that didn’t seem survivable.


  • One Doctor Who adventure revealed the Cybermen as the villains, to the surprise of our group.
  • Things weren’t going well for our merchant crew in FASA Star Trek during a space battle, so Glenn said to me, “roll your luck,” and I started to say something about my trader captain, and then he said, “no, roll YOUR luck,” meaning my personal alter ego Star Fleet captain’s luck, which was rather high, and the odds shifted in our favor when the USS Excalibur arrived on the scene.
  • see above example.  Or most if not all of our Gloomhaven sessions.

Good times.


RPGaDay 2019


Seriously, though, our group tended to not get lost during our adventures, in any game system we played.

I attribute that more to our GMing than whatever we did for mapping.


RPGaDay 2019

This one has me a little stumped.

Though I guess I could say that my group has a vast amount of experience and knowledge in role-playing games.



RPGaDay 2019

In the last three (including current) D&D 5E campaigns that I’ve played, I’ve played a character with a noble background.

Thing is I’ve never really played it up, always focusing on the combat and other physical attributes of the character.

For this current campaign I decided to take “Noble: Knight” for my character’s background, instead of “Position of Privilege”.  So now I have three retainers who follow me around and do stuff for me.

I even picked up some miniatures to represent them.

I named them Kelex, Boothby, and Harcourt.

I’ll let you figure out who’s who.  I’m not sure what to do with the serving girl.


RPGaDay 2019

We never did horror RPGs.  probably because none of us were well versed enough in the genre.

There were a couple of FASA Doctor Who adventures that fit the horror classification, I think.

It’s been so long that I couldn’t tell you the plot of either, though.


RPGaDay 2019

Stuff I have plenty of:

  • dice
  • miniatures
  • unplayed RPG systems
  • imagination


RPGaDay 2019

The one game I liked playing the most was FASA’s Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, prior to the release of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The one main reason was that we were making our own contributions to the Star Trek mythos, meaningful to us and us alone.

The one character I played that I liked the most was Mackenzie Decker, captain of the Photon Duck.

The one adventure that I loved running was Gornbusters, an original adventure that I wrote myself.

The one adventure that I enjoyed playing was A Doomsday Like Any Other, a sequel to one of my all-time favorite Original Series episodes.


RPGaDay 2019

I’ve had quite a few dreams about RPGs, both in and out of character.

There was one dream about a gaming session when one of the players went berserk and started killing everyone around the table with a sword from the game we were playing.

There was another about commanding a starship as it was attacked and destroyed by Klingons.

The most disturbing was a nuclear war dream after a night of playing the Supremacy board game instead of role-playing games.  That one shook me for a few days afterwards.