
RPGaDay 2019

I’m not sure when we first started using a DM/GM screen to keep stuff from being seen by players.  It may have been the first FASA Trek session that I sat in on, as Glenn was running the adventure, another player had a document that he should not have, so Glenn walked over and snatched it from him, exclaiming ‘Gimme that!’ and the document went back behind a screen.



This is the first pair of percentile dice that I ever owned.  They were bought by my Dad back in 1978 from a store called Gambit games on Market Street in San Francisco.  I needed them for Lou Zocchi’s Star Fleet Battle Manual, the first wargame that I ever bought.

They’re numbered 0-9 twice, so they’re not true d20s.

Ancient artifact from my gaming past.  I later used them for RPG sessions requiring d10 or percentage rolls



With few exceptions, most of our RPG campaigns took place in space.

  • Star Trek The Role-Playing Game (FASA)
  • Doctor Who (FASA)
  • Star Wars: The Role Playing Game (West End Games)

More recently we’ve played Hyperlanes (based on D&D 5E system) and Traveller (Mongoose).

Over the years my group tried to get into other Trek RPGs, but we seemed to have a better grasp on FASA Trek’s rules than any of the later incarnations.

We did start a FASA Trek campaign which we may get back to, eventually.

Doctor Who was short lived, as I only recall a handful of printed adventures (internet says 7) and I think we played them all.  It was the first system where I created my present day self as a non-player character who hung around the TARDIS most of the time.

Star Wars RPG was a favorite of mine, if only for the way I ended it.  Since my PC/NPC was a bounty hunter, I turned the party of Rebels over to the Empire, thus ending the campaign.



The best part of an RPG session is the pot luck aspect, at least with my groups, and sharing the food and drink that everyone brings.



The most memorable time our group had to engage the enemy in combat resulted in a fully armored samurai warrior being taken down by a lucky shot from a slingshot.

Doctor Who RPG by FASA.


I don’t know if anything I’ve ever played in a role-playing game has been unique.

I suppose every character and scenario I’ve ever created or played was unique in the sense that every character is as different as you make them from another, and every scenario is different by nature of the player’s actions.

So that’s today’s answer.



The first character I ever created was a fighter-type in Steve Jackson’s The Fantasy Trip.

His name: Chris the Conqueror.

Alliteration was a thing for me, even though I didn’t know it then, due to reading comic books.

I think I ended up naming the other two members of our party, Nelson the Intelligent and Anders the Swede.  Real original, huh?

We spent a good part of freshman year of high school playing Melee/Wizard and all of the adventure modules that we could get our hands on.

We fudged the rules a bit as we played, giving ourselves magic weapons as we progressed in skills.  Nelson ended up with Excalibur (yes, THAT Excalibur) and I had some enchanted sword that I named Phoenix.  Anders stuck with a two-handed battle axe throughout our time in that world.

By the time we finished playing, we had another set of characters go through one of the last adventures, Orb Quest.  I think we may have had a larger party (4 or 5?) and to this day I think Nelson’s character is still stuck on the second to last floor in that tower, frozen for all eternity.

And while it seemed like it was a long time, I don’t believe we played more than a year with that system.  We abandoned it before sophomore year, when something more interesting came along, at least for me, personally.

Star Fleet Battles.

Echo Auto

2 days in, and I find that it’s a bit distracting during a home-work commute of less than 20 minutes.

It is nice that while plugged in I can have it play local radio stations from I Heart Radio.  But it pauses when doing navigation, with vocal cues for turns and exits.

I can see it being more useful during longer trips.

We’ll see.