What to do?

When I get home tonight, do I set up one of the Leader games (Corsair, Hornet, Phantom) or a Sunday double header, Braves @ Giants, 1967?

I can probably play the double header tonight.

Any of the Leader games will probably be played over a couple of days.

And I found that I had been playing wrong, adding a phase that is only used in B-17 Leader.

I would include a round of homeward bound air/ground combat, which isn’t even listed in the sequence of play.


I was used to a phase like this because of playing B-17 Queen of the Skies for so many years, which requires a possible Luftwaffe intercept in every zone on the way back to base from the target.  Again, B-17 Leader has this step, the other games don’t.

Maybe this will speed up my games.  We’ll see.


Today my Dad would have been 81 years old.

Happy Birthday, Dad.  I love you and miss you.

TV 2018-19 Update

Except for Doctor Who, I’m not planning on watching anything now.

As much as I liked The Gifted last season, I missed the premiere and the episodes for this season.

I did watch the premiere of Supergirl, but I have no plans to watch that regularly, though I’ll more than likely watch the Elseworlds crossover episodes on the CW.

Turn and Burn

I managed to snag one of these Loot Crate exclusives off eBay: a replica of the Rocinante from The Expanse, the latest TV series that I’m playing catch-up on.

I must like this series or something.

I saw a bunch of 3D-printed minis from the series on Shapeways, including the Donnager, Tycho Station, and the Canterbury.

I also found this handy size comparison graphic from this site.

I recommend the series if you haven’t watched it.  Seasons 1 & 2 are available on Amazon Prime, while season 3 is the one you have to pay for, for now.  Season 4 is currently under production for release next year.

By Your Command

In 2015, Universal remastered the original Battlestar Galactica series from 1978.

Three years later, for the 40th anniversary, I finally picked up the Definitive Collection, which has both the 1978 series and Galactica 1980, along with the original theatrical release.

The difference between the two editions is that the Definitive Collection has both series in widescreen and fullscreen, while the Remastered Collection only has the widescreen presentations.

That’s why I waited until the price dropped considerably before picking up the Definitive Collection.

Continue reading “By Your Command”

Star Wars Resistance

3 episodes watched.

It’s different from the previous two Dave Filoni series, and not just in the animation style.

It feels… meh, but maybe because Clone Wars grew to be better, while Rebels was good from the start, and I’m now expecting that right out of the gate.

I’ll give it a few more episodes.

Who are you?

“Oh, yes, I’m glad you asked that again.  Bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage, and a hint of panic knitted my brain back together.  I know EXACTLY who I am.”

The Dark Side

Well, maybe not so dark.

There are some things related to Star Wars that I do not like.  Toxic fanboyism aside, I’m referring to merchandising.

Sure, I’m a sucker for anything Boba Fett/Millennium Falcon/Porg related, but the latest thing that annoys me is Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing Miniatures game, which recently went to version 2.0.

As part of this new version, players are expected to buy conversion kits for their existing miniatures to make them ‘2.0 compatible’.  The problem is that each of the 3 conversion kits are $50 (retail) and cover a broad range of ships within each faction (Rebel, Imperial, Mercs).

Fair enough, but for the most part, the kits either have too few or too many of ships I own, or are mostly for ships that I don’t own.  I hope they come out with individual ship conversion kits, but I’m not holding my breath.

This is the main reason I’m not getting into their Armada (capital ships) game, which I fully expect to to undergo the same 2.0 revamp.

I have a different strategy with their other miniatures offerings, however.

I’ve gotten back into playing Imperial Assault, and collecting the miniatures/expansions for this game, to prevent myself from getting into their other miniatures battle game, Legion.

I feel that skirmish level games are what my friends and I are more interested in playing anyways.

TV 2018-19

This season’s viewing schedule:

The Gifted (FOX)

Mid-season replacement shows, time/day TBD:

The Orville
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I’m more than half a season behind on all the CW DC shows, and frankly I was getting tired of all of them, so they’re totally off my viewing schedule.  I may end up binge watching them, or switching to them as my morning exercise show.  We’ll see.

None of the new shows interest me.  Though I may end up checking a few of them out over the next week or so.

Game Play Update: Fall 2018 Edition

  1. Hornet Leader
  2. Sherman Leader
  3. Bataan!
  4. Comancheria
  5. Field Commander: Alexander
  6. Tiger Leader
  7. Star Trek Attack Wing
  8. Batman Miniatures Game
  9. Star Wars: Rebellion
  10. Kill Team
  11. Massive Darkness
  12. 7TV
  13. Ghostbusters II
  14. Legendary: Firefly
  15. Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  16. Dinosaur Island
  17. Gloomhaven
  18. Down In Flames: Aces High
  19. The Dresden Files
  20. Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks

I seem to be getting nowhere with this list.  And there are additional games that have and have not been played, too, since the last time I did this.

On major change is that instead of Warhammer 40K and variations, I only have Kill Team listed.

I also removed print-and-play games, and games that have not arrived yet.