Fridge Purge

Today I dumped cans and bottles of various drinks and liquids, a majority of them were way past their expiration date.  Or they were things that I don’t drink, like coconut water.

The fridge is VERY empty.

After I use up the bottled water, it’ll be even emptier.


Damn, the Kinect is needed in order for the XBox to turn on the TV and receiver.


The Kinect has bet disconnected from the XBox.

For the longest time it was only good for turning the XBox on or off, and sometimes not even off.  It never seemed to be able to do things as advertised, like ‘watch the Giants game’ or ‘watch Netflix’.

And to be honest, I had it on there for Dad, since he had difficulty with the XBox remote and the power switch on the XBox itself.  Once he turned it on via Kinect, he could use the cable box remote to change channels.

I was the one who usually turned it off before bed.

Shows and Stuff

There’s a lot to catch up on, should I choose to do so.

  • All 5 DC CW shows.
  • Jessica Jones 2
  • Lost in Space (on episode 5)
  • Runaways (on episode 2)
  • Other Netflix series that I never started (Sense 8, etc.)
  • Cowboy Bebop (on episode 5)

Plus everything that I’d like to rewatch.

  • 24
  • Babylon 5
  • Star Trek/TNG/DS9/Voy/Ent
  • Person of Interest
  • Alias
  • Firefly

Problem right now is that I just don’t have the desire to watch anything other than World Cup soccer and baseball.  I started watching Luke Cage 2, and stopped about 10 minutes into episode 2.  I started Cloak and Dagger episode 4, and turned it off after the recap.

I may not be burnt out on super hero movies, but super hero TV is not that high on my list anymore.

Plus, I’d also rather be playing solitaire table top games, sports, wargaming, etc.

Hopefully I’ll get out of this funk.

The Dresden Files CCG

I’ve had this game for over a year, played and enjoyed it solo.  The latest expansions are on their way to me.  I guess i should bring it out and give it another play or two.

Maybe not solo this time, too, yeah?

Best Buy Encounter

Wednesday I stopped by Best Buy on the way home from my optometry appointment.  As I made my way to the registers, browsing the movies on the way, a guy wearing an Xfinity lanyard stopped me…

Xfinity Guy: Hi, do you have Xfinity at home?
Me (smirking): No, I don’t.
XG: Who do you use for internet?
Me: Sonic.
XG: Hmmm… how much do you pay per month?  Over $50?
Me: Sorry, I just cancelled Xfinity at my house a couple of weeks ago, so I’m really not interested.
XG (now with a downtrodden look on his face): Oh.

And then he walked away.

Sorry, dude.

Oh, and I went home with a ream of printer paper and Sega Classics for the PS4.  And a bottle of lemonade.

Don’t Stop Playing

We don’t stop playing because we grow oldwe grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

I’ve never stopped.

In fact, I had the urge to finally pull the trigger on something that seemed to be calling for my attention for the last few months:

A toy rocket.   Continue reading “Don’t Stop Playing”

Father’s Day

This is the first one without my Dad.

A few years ago on Mother’s Day, I began a tradition of going to see a movie by myself, usually the latest Marvel movie or other blockbuster that was out at the time.

This year Dad passed away right before Mother’s Day, so we were all a little preoccupied.  I didn’t get to see a movie that day.

This year I’m going to see a double feature to make up for that, and continue to see a movie on both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, going forward.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad.  I miss you.