Aside from sorting the 1987 season, opening the Necromunda box, and printing out character sheets for Top Secret NWO, I haven’t had a chance to start looking at the rules for the three new games.
Today our gaming group tried the Mighty Protectors Super-Hero Role-Playing Game.
We created characters (all except me) and ran through a combat session.
Four of the players chose to make random roles for everything, while one had a concept already in mind. We ended up with an interesting group of heroes, all with different power sets, with only a couple of overlapping powers.
The five heroes attacked each other individually, with varying levels of success, mostly due to an occasional bad die roll.
A car was tossed around by a pair of Magneto-type characters, while another pair of heroes squared off, alternately punching and shooting each other with a devitalization (power draining) ray.
All-in-all, I think we’ve found our super hero RPG, choosing this one over Mutants and Masterminds, which all of us had trouble understanding.
Even when we were stumped with a combat situation, we were able to work our way to a solution that made sense.
I look forward to running a full adventure for this, even without playing a character, though I did create a couple on my own.
And they’ll have a butler NPC named Alvis (Jarfred sounded dumb) to attend to their needs. I just have to figure out how/where to introduce him.
One of the items that came out when Star Wars Battlefront II was released was a Nerf Rival Apollo XV-700 Star Wars Battlefront II Mandalorian Edition Blaster with Face Mask, exclusive to GameStop. It retailed for $90.
Something I didn’t know it did: while buying advanced tickets for Ready Player One, I ended up paying the add-on ticket price of $8.99 per ticket instead of $11.50 per ticket. And without a convenience fee.
So a pair of tickets from Fandango that would have been $26 came out to $17.98.
MoviePass wouldn’t have allowed purchase from that screening, since it’s in the recliner seat theatre, and even if I could, it would be for one ticket, bought that day.
I woke up this morning to some very familiar feelings of nausea.
Food poisoning.
I immediately went back to bed.
I woke up about 4 hours later to email work that I’d be out before I went straight back to bed.
Another 3 hours later, I got up and took a shower since I was sweating a lot while I was sleeping. I made some tea, but only drank half of it and went back to bed.
I woke up again about 4 hours later and made some toast and finished my tea. Back to bed.
Got up again 2 hours later and seem to have shaken off most of the effects, though I do have a bit of a headache.
I tossed the foods that I ate the night before, though I suspect it was the milk, which expires tomorrow, but it had a faint odd smell, but tasted okay with cereal. Never again.
Currently eating dry toast and tea.
As a result of this, I got a ticket on my car for street cleaning violation, and 3 packages (game stuff, camera accessory, Kickstarter reward) that I was expecting at work have been delivered, but I’ll wait until Monday to get them.
Wasted day. Though in my semi-sleepy state I had the TV on to the Giants game, though I missed Bumgarner breaking his hand, and there’s a James Bond marathon on MGMHD channel.
It’s a pilot episode, so I wasn’t expecting to get blown away by anything.
But hearing the iconic John Williams theme brought out the fanboy in me.
Funny thing is, the word ‘prequel’ usually gives me concern, due to the Star Wars prequels and Star Trek Enterprise/Discovery.
I’ve always been interested in the fictional history of Krypton. In the past I’ve answered odd trivia questions about the planet itself, like where a “highly developed black race” of Kryptonians existed (Vathlo Island, though I had to look it up now). I used to know where major cities and landmarks were on Krypton, from the location of Kandor to the Jewel Mountains.
It looks an feels like a futuristic sci-fi show with an interesting premise, aside from the Superman link.
Plus, it’s got Adam Strange.
He alone is the primary reason I’m tuning in, because he’s a space adventurer, in the same vein as Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers or even Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. He’s battled evil aliens and saved his adopted homeworld of Rann on a regular basis. I think he’s an honorary member of the Justice League, too.
In Krypton, he shows up in a hoodie and a baseball cap.
In short, my kinda hero.
The pilot served it’s purpose, introducing us to the characters, setting, and dynamics of the series. Here’s hoping this show goes on as long as it has an interesting story to tell. Which, sad to say, some of the other DC TV series have stopped doing.
Depending on this ‘strength of story’ I may do a weekly review of this series.