
I got to see an early screening of the new Dungeons & Dragons movie, Honor Among Thieves.

It’s a fun movie.  Knowledge of the game isn’t needed, though players will definitely get more out of watching this movie.

That’s not to say the movie can’t/won’t be enjoyed by non-players.  It’s almost structured like a Marvel movie, in the way the movie sets everything up, from the setting, to the characters, to the reveal of/by the big bad.

One particular group cameo made me smile a lot.

Having only seen two movies so far this year, this one was more fun than Quantumania.  This one I actually want to see again.

Recommended!  Two thumbs up!

So far, so good for The Mandalorian Season 3.

Halfway through and we’ve had a lot of stuff happen to Din Djarin and Grogu, not to mention to Bo-Katan and Dr. Pershing.

And we have yet to see Moff Gideon.

Looking forward to the back half of the season.


Two straight days of playing tabletop sports games (Red White & Blue Racin’ and Ball Park Baseball), I would love this to continue.

We’ll see.


Let the record show that I made it almost 14 months between visits to McDonalds for breakfast.

I was lazy this morning, and impatient (didn’t want to wait in line for a bagel).

I felt kinda gross after I ate there.

Here’s hoping it’s a longer time until my next visit.


This is the longest I’ve sat and watched the Daytona 500 in a while.


My promotion to my current position at work has changed the way I look at a lot of things, and I’m not sure why.

I feel like a grown-up.

It’s weird, but that’s just how I feel.


Maybe it’s because I turn 56 this week.


I liked it.

Of course there are better movies, and better Marvel movies.

But this?  More entertaining to me than I expected.

Maybe that’s the secret, which I’ve been saying for a while, the newer Marvel films (i.e. post-Infinity War/Endgame) can’t be fairly compared to what’s come before.

Rather, they have to be looked upon on their own, despite having familiar characters from previous films/Phases.

They’re telling another story, the next big saga in the Book of Marvel.

Don’t expect them to wow you, just be entertained.  And I was, to be honest.

And if this Phase of movies don’t appeal to you, go back and watch the older ones, or wait for what comes after Avengers 6.

The only thing lacking in the film was an appearance by Luis.

And M.O.D.O.K. was more awesome than I expected him to be.

And if I’m being totally honest, you can probably wait for it on Disney Plus to see it, but the film looks great on the big screen.



  • I’m backing out of my garage and then an Uber/Lyft driver stops right behind me, turning on his blinkers.  I walked over where he could see me, pointed at my car, he rolled the window down and said, “Are you pulling out?”  WTAF?
  • Minutes later, driving to work and realizing that I forgot my phone.  Drove back to get it.  Groundhog’s Day.
  • Driving on the freeway and it must be ‘Don’t Use Blinkers Day’ or something, worse than usual.
  • Dropping off an outgoing shipment to the mailroom, asked a ‘simple question’ that I can’t simply answer, for something that the questioner should open a call for.
  • Order lunch for pickup, and they’re so busy I wait an additional 15 minutes after I get to the restaurant for my order.

Oh, right, blog…

I should post more here, and my other sites, but not a lot has been happening lately.

Okay, I did get a new position at work, a promotion of sorts, and that’s a big deal.

But over a month between entries?  Which isn’t something that never happens, though I’d like to be more present in this space online.

We’ll see how this goes.

SAS: Rogue Heroes

I finally got around to watching this series.  I liked it a lot.

Which should be no surprise, I’ve been a WWII buff forever, as well as an avid Special Air Service (SAS) fan.

The series is basically the origins of the British SAS in the North African campaign of World War II, circa 1941.  It follows men directly responsible for the creation of this regiment, with their early failures and eventual successes.

I’m sure there are lots of historical inaccuracies, but that doesn’t deter from a good story here.

And of course it ends in a historical cliffhanger.

The use of contemporary rock music mixed with period songs is an interesting mix, which I found very cool.

The cast was great, particularly the actors playing Stirling, Mayes, and Lewes.  It took me a minute to recognize Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy in Game of Thrones) as Lewes, though.

6 episodes, so it’s a quick binge.

3 out of 4 stars.  Go watch!

Music and Memory

I was watching the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark during lunch,

I still remember when I first heard the Raiders March during this scene.

The horn section hit me harder than the opening note of Star Wars.

It was at that moment that I knew, this character would have a bigger impact on me than Han Solo or Mr. Spock or Steve Austin or Underdog ever would.

Those were my other childhood heroes, of course.

It cemented John Williams as the one true composer of the background music in my life, between this, Star Wars and Superman: The Movie.

Years later, hearing it performed live at the SF Symphony, conducted by John freaking Williams himself, was no doubt the greatest live musical piece I had ever heard.

I look forward to hearing this theme next June.