Just a City Boy…

Driving to the grocery store, listening to I Heart The 80s, Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 from November 14, 1981.

Freshman year in high school for me.

#28 on the countdown starts up, and suddenly I’m belting out Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'” as I’m thinking back to those times, how new everything was, and how, 35 years later, I seem to feel that same sense of change around me.

Challenge accepted.

Oddly enough…

As I was going through files from the backup archives for PDGBlog/Serenity (2005-2010) and Blog V3/Making This Up As I Go (2010-2016), the one big difference I saw was the lower number of images used in the older blog than the newer one.

The older blog was about story telling with words, the newer with pictures.

Part of that is because I had just gotten into photography near the end of the older blog, so that was where a lot of my photos were showcased.  I don’t think I’ll be reposting anything from the past, especially pictures.

I hope express myself more with words than images this time around, as I think I’ll be more talkative here than I had been in recent years.

We’ll see how this all goes, together.

A New Beginning

Sad to report that my previous site had been hacked, and my personal blogs had been compromised.  I basically had to shut it all down and start over elsewhere.

Pity I lost about 11 years worth of content, but I suppose it was time for a new start.

So here we are.

Hope to see y’all back here.