Random Review: Doctor Who, Spyfall Parts 1 & 2

Part one was really good.

Part two was not.

Actually, part two had a good story lost in a badly shot/edited mishmash of an episode.

I’m loving Sacha Dhawan as the Master, though it remains to be seen if he appears again anytime soon.

The first part had a straightforward plot.

The second part was a not as straightforward, with three different story lines resulting an a questionable climax that was over far sooner than it should have.

And while I did actually fanboy over the character of Ava Lovelace, her appearance (and that of Noor Inayat Khan) seemed a bit pointless in the grand scheme of things; Ryan and Yaz and maybe even Graham could have done what they did (send a message/find the master’s TARDIS) had they traveled with her, instead of the ridiculous way they got out of the plane crash scenario.

And what was the point of the scene with Barton’s mum?

Ah well, here’s hoping the next story finishes up better than this one did.