What to do?

When I get home tonight, do I set up one of the Leader games (Corsair, Hornet, Phantom) or a Sunday double header, Braves @ Giants, 1967?

I can probably play the double header tonight.

Any of the Leader games will probably be played over a couple of days.

And I found that I had been playing wrong, adding a phase that is only used in B-17 Leader.

I would include a round of homeward bound air/ground combat, which isn’t even listed in the sequence of play.


I was used to a phase like this because of playing B-17 Queen of the Skies for so many years, which requires a possible Luftwaffe intercept in every zone on the way back to base from the target.  Again, B-17 Leader has this step, the other games don’t.

Maybe this will speed up my games.  We’ll see.

Solitaire Wargaming Organization Revisited

I think I’m going to shift around that list I made, with the print-and-play games at the bottom of the list.

  1. Phantom Leader
  2. Warfighter
  3. Hornet Leader
  4. Gato Leader
  5. Corsair Leader
  6. Philippines Ablaze
  7. Carrier Strike Force

I’m gonna revisit Phantom Leader right away, since I screwed the pooch in the game play of that AAA Site mission.

Evade.  Must remember to have pilots evade.

Warfighter will be next, to break up the 2 aircraft games back-to-back, as I had originally listed.

And all this will be broken up with with table top sports and skirmish games.


As per my standard operating procedure, I went a little overboard and went on a games shopping spree.

In addition to Phantom Leader, I have these two games on order:

And later I discovered THIS and ordered it…

So yeah.  Games overload.