
This is the first Saturday since the Crisis on Earth-Prime began where I feel that I actually accomplished stuff.

  • I cut my own hair.
  • I cleared out and recycled a lot of materials that had been sitting in my closet for about 30 years.
  • I reorganized and stored a bunch of board games sitting around the living room.
  • I organized my Battle Mechs into lances and printed up record sheets for them.
  • I made more Porto’s stuff in the air fryer.
  • I found a much more adorable Baby Yoda plush that the one waiting for me at the office.

And somewhere in between all this I watched The Andromeda Strain.

Overall I think this has been a rough time for everyone.  Like everyone I seem to have good days and bad days.  But I think I’ve learned how to mitigate the days.

And I saw something that was quoted by a couple of folks today:

You are not working from home. You are at home, in a crisis, trying to work.

Which is correct for me for 4 days out of the week.  That fifth day in the office is working at work in a crisis.  Which surprisingly is relaxing.  It’s as close to ‘normal’ that I think I’ll ever see in the near future, despite the lack of coworkers and traffic and places to eat for lunch.

Hang in there, everyone.  We’re in this together, for as long as it takes.

Sunday Blatherings

Dunkin’ Donut run in the morning.  I have yet to invoke my AARP card ‘free donut with large coffee’ thing.

Started watching the Broncos-Eagles game, but decided to go out and run errands instead.

Didn’t pick up anything from Barnes & Noble.

Picked up some grey paint from Gator Games.

Didn’t pick up anything from Toys R Us.

Didn’t pick up anything from Tanforan Shopping Center.

I stopped by McDonalds because I wanted a milkshake.  I ordered a Mighty Kids meal, and when I asked for a chocolate shake, the cashier said that they were out of shakes.  What?

I stopped by Best Buy to support my niece and her Girl Scout troop, who were selling chocolate and nuts in front of the store.  I went inside to find an ATM, and ended up picking up Call of Duty WWII.

I went home and used my new paint to finally start painting up my Militarum Tempestus Scions again.  I also watched the end of the 49ers game.

And now I’m watching Marvel films on TV.

Blogging in Bed: Randomness 

I’m about to nod off, because I’m too tired to watch Kong: Skull Island right now.


I still watch baseball, but it becomes painful to watch when your team is bad.

People are making such a big deal about Godzilla fighting Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidrah in his next  movie, LIKE THAT’S NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

Too many games to play.

I seem to be adjusting to the progressives well enough.

67th Terrondan Peregrines

It begins…

I used a random planet name generator that I found online, and came up with a homeworld name of Terronda Prime.

My Militarum Tempestus regiment will be know as the 67th Terrondan Peregrines.

The miniatures pictured above are my paint test, with Dark Prussian Blue as the primary color.  The secondary color has yet to be determined, though I’m looking at khaki at the lightest, and some shade of grey at the darkest.  Weaponry and equipment will either be dark grey or black.

Skin tone will vary, as always, from flat flesh to tanned to dark.

Given time I’ll try to come up with appropriate background fluff and history for the planet Terronda Prime, and the 67th Peregrines.

A quick internet search and I have a logo.

Their motto will be the same as the British SAS: “Who Dares Wins”

Ooooh, Shiny…

So while I took a break from working on Batman Miniature Game stuff, another game caught my attention, again.

I have a love-hate relationship with Warhammer 40K.  I love the setting, the miniatures, the game.  I hate that a new rules set comes out way too often.  In the last 15 years or so we’ve had 4 revisions to the rules in the form of a new hardcover rulebook.

When Kill Team came out last year, I thought it was a good intro for folks who were interested in 40K but didn’t want to invest in a large army.  Skirmish games appear to be the way to go (see: Batman Miniatures Game), since you only need a handful of miniatures instead of a hoard of them.


But I digress.

Continue reading “Ooooh, Shiny…”

Deliveries update

The stuff not delivered on Monday, which said it was, arrived on Tuesday.

The stuff delivered today was due for delivery tomorrow (Thursday), except for the stuff that was due today, which did arrive today.

More stuff is scheduled for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday.

That is all.


Down the rabbit hole I go…

So I caved and picked up a few more minis for the Batman Miniatures Game.

Princess Diana
The Dynamic Duo

I foolishly didn’t realize that there were no stat cards for Superman or Wonder Woman, just a card with a picture of the miniature in the package.

Superman came with a defective left arm, so I emailed the company to see if they’ll send a replacement for it.

I probably won’t assemble either of those two until later, when/if I pick up the DC Universe Miniatures Game.

As for Batman and Robin, the guy at the counter at Game Kastle did mention that it was a good pack to get, because of the synergy between the two characters.  I didn’t realize that he actually meant that in game terms, with each character receiving certain bonuses while in the game, and each receiving a negative stat modifier if the other is eliminated from the game.  Clever!

I also got another Batman because the Adam West figure isn’t as awesome in the game as other Batmen.

Each character has a ‘reputation’ rating, which is used to assemble your ‘crew’ or ‘team’ for a given game, and represents the effectiveness of the character in question.  Most crew have a 150 reputation rating, give or take a few of points.

Adam West has a reputation of 75.  Though he does have Shark Repellent Bat-Spray listed under his equipment.

Riddler alone has a rating of 80.  His crew, together, is 148.

In that Dynamic Duo pack, Batman (modern) is 100, Robin is 65.

Alfred Pennyworth is 30.

I found a couple of eBay sellers that carry marker tokens, templates and some terrain for the game, so those should arrive soon.

Now, to find a time and place to play this game!

Skirmish Game: BMG

I went and bought a game that I didn’t think I would:

Bonus item: Alfred Pennyworth

I held off getting this game mostly because of the cost of the damn miniatures, but that was based on the mistaken idea of just how many miniatures I would need to buy in order to play.

I stopped by the original Game Kastle in Santa Clara this afternoon, and asked the staff what exactly I need to start playing, besides the rulebook.

“A crew, or two if you don’t know anyone else who plays.”

One of the guys then showed me the Suicide Squad starter box, which included 2 crews and the rulebook, but I wasn’t interested in the theme of that set.

And then he said something that set me at ease.

“Batman is a ‘crew’ by himself.”

AHA!  I *wouldn’t* need to buy that many minis at all!  No need to spend a small fortune on an army of Batmen!

They didn’t have a Penguin or Joker set that I liked, so I ended up picking up one of my other favorite Batman villains and his crew:

Riddle me this, Bitches!

The guy told me that any single Batman figure could stand up to this crew.  They had plenty to choose from, ranging Frank Miller’s Dark Knight to the Animated Series to the ones in Arkham City and Arkham Night video games.  He showed me a set that had both Batman AND Robin, which would be a good pairing, but I was sold on getting my favorite live-action Batman of all time:


As with the 7TV game, I went and ordered a few more figures for this game as well, including a Robin from Arkham Knight, Gordon and SWAT team from The Dark Knight Rises, and a Joker w/crew from the comics.

If anything, this game is going to look interesting on the tabletop.

Also, they are coming out with a full DC Universe Miniatures game, starting with the CW versions of Arrow and Flash (rulebook available), but I think I just want to keep this to street level play, with Mutants and Masterminds filling in for full super heroic gaming.

Though the Classic Superman and Wonder Woman figures looked cool, in addition to the ‘DC Trinity’ set based on how the characters looked in Batman v. Superman.