Replay Baseball

I’m replaying Dwight Gooden’s rookie season in 1984, and I’m up to game #24 of his career: a road game vs. the San Francisco Giants, at Candlestick Park.

The opposing pitcher: Mike Krukow.

On this day, August 17, 1984, both pitchers went 9 innings, with no scoring.

In the top of the 10th, Krukow gave up a 2-run homer to Wally Backman, giving the Mets the lead.  Jesse Orosco pitched the bottom of the 10th for the save (his 26th), with Gooden winning his 11th game of the season.

Starting pitching lines:

Gooden: 9 IP, 5 H, 0 ER, 12 K
Krukow: 9.1 IP, 7 H, 2 ER, 10 K

I doubt my replay will turn out the same.  We’ll see.


My desire to play table top baseball appears to be directly influenced by how well the Giants and Mets are doing in real life.

Right now, both teams are below .500, with the Giants (38-63) dead last in the NL West, and the Mets (46-51) in 3rd place in the NL East.


Blogging in Bed: Randomness 

I’m about to nod off, because I’m too tired to watch Kong: Skull Island right now.


I still watch baseball, but it becomes painful to watch when your team is bad.

People are making such a big deal about Godzilla fighting Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidrah in his next  movie, LIKE THAT’S NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

Too many games to play.

I seem to be adjusting to the progressives well enough.


More ships for Attack Wing came in.  Yay!

I still have a few more ships coming in.  Yikes.

Also, update!

IKS Gr’oth repaint, D7-class
IRW Algeron, D7-class (Romulan)

Sports gaming week overlapped into this week.  I knew a schedule wouldn’t work.

Star Trek Attack Wing has me watching the Star Trek films again.  Not that that’s a bad thing, of course.

Weird not having my usual shows on TV, until Fall.

Prepare for Battle

Okay, so, the counters have been punched and cards sorted for both B-17 and Alexander games.

Awaiting the large box for Warfighter WWII, should arrive this week.

Re-reading the rules for X-Wing Miniatures for Games night this Saturday.

Reading the rules for Bataan!, Shadow War: Armageddon and a couple of other games.

Deciding to play the next series of games in either the 1917 or 1967 baseball replays.

Picking up Injustice 2 after work today.

Games overload in full effect!


Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by my chosen hobbies.

DC Universe Miniature Game
Ball Park Baseball, 1917 season
Warhammer 40K

And that’s just what I touched this weekend.

I also spent a few days following the livestream from Star Wars Celebration Orlando, got a haircut, went to a baseball game, watched the first episode of the new season of Doctor Who, attended a screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark with a live orchestra, Easter Brunch with family, and still feel that I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to this weekend.

For example, I didn’t get to play a game of Warfighter or Phantom Leader.  Or start watching a couple of shows on Netflix/Amazon Video.  Or read comics.  Or read in general.

Ah well.

I’m posting this trailer just because.  You folks who haven’t started watching this really should start, the last season begins this fall.

Deliveries update

The stuff not delivered on Monday, which said it was, arrived on Tuesday.

The stuff delivered today was due for delivery tomorrow (Thursday), except for the stuff that was due today, which did arrive today.

More stuff is scheduled for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday.

That is all.

Multiple Hobby Disorder

Wargames, miniatures, role-playing, baseball, all waiting for my attention.

And suddenly I get the urge to play a tabletop GOLF game.

I won’t play at Augusta, which is a course I have in a couple of games.

But the tournament will be called…


Weekend Update

3-Day weekend review, by activities:

  • watched Power Rangers
  • played 2 baseball games
  • painted miniatures
  • watched NCAA Final Four games
  • 1st play of Warfighter
  • watching baseball on Opening Day

What to do now, as the Giants opener ends and the Warriors game is on in about an hour or so?

Solitaire Wargaming Organization Revisited

I think I’m going to shift around that list I made, with the print-and-play games at the bottom of the list.

  1. Phantom Leader
  2. Warfighter
  3. Hornet Leader
  4. Gato Leader
  5. Corsair Leader
  6. Philippines Ablaze
  7. Carrier Strike Force

I’m gonna revisit Phantom Leader right away, since I screwed the pooch in the game play of that AAA Site mission.

Evade.  Must remember to have pilots evade.

Warfighter will be next, to break up the 2 aircraft games back-to-back, as I had originally listed.

And all this will be broken up with with table top sports and skirmish games.