I feel bad that I didn’t continue doing this throughout the year, either for my friends who turned 50, nor the Star Trek episodes that premiered 50 years ago, or movies that first screened in 1967.
That said, Happy Birthday to all of my friends who have turned, or are turning, 50 this year. May you all live longer and continue to prosper.
October 6, 1967, premiere date of Star trek episode ‘Mirror, Mirror’.
A transporter mishap slips Captain Kirk and his companions into a parallel universe, where the Enterprise serves a barbaric Empire instead of the Federation. This episode spun off several plotlines in Deep Space Nine and Enterprise.
Spock with a beard is an image that always intrigued me. It’s why I tried to maintain a similar style of facial hair back in my 30s.
[placeholder for picture of me with goatee]
Years later I would meet Barbara Luna (Marlena Moreau) at WonderCon in San Francisco.
[placeholder for picture of me and Barbara Luna]
The one thing that always puzzled me was the idea that the Terran Empire’s ships orbited planets clockwise, instead of counter-clockwise.
Never really looked for an explanation. It just seems silly.