
“Never give up.  Never surrender.”

I am still me.  You are still you.  Don’t ever stop being you.  I will not stop being me.

“Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up, never give in.”

Today is not the end of the world.  Not while we still have each other’s backs.

“Don’t give in to hate.”

Social media got us into this.  Social media will keep things in check.

“Rebellions are built on hope.”

I gave a speech during my 8th grade graduation.  Standing there in my powder blue(!) suit, I gave a message of hope, as an eighth grader could.  I’m guessing not many people paid attention, but as I did then in 1981, I believe that we’ll get through whatever waits for us, together.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”