
When I was 14, I first saw the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, and it left the biggest impact on my life.

I’d find myself watching it whenever it came on TV, and sometimes I’d switch to my own copy on tape or disc if the commercials started to annoy me.

It was one of the films that my Dad would stop to watch as well.

Other films in that category are The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (or at least the final confrontation scene) and High Noon.

I noticed that Dad seemed to have the same admiration for High Noon that I had for Raiders.

After Dad passed away, I figured out that High Noon had come out when *HE* was 14.

So I’m left wondering if this movie had the same impact on him at that age, as Raiders did on me.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, man.

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