Finish What You Started

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That’s a goal of mine right now.  Enough sitting on my hands about what I should be playing.  I simply need to get these done before starting something new.

Which is why I’m focusing on the various racing series that I started a couple of years ago.  They have the shortest schedules and an average play time of about 30-45 minutes, so I should be able to finish these fairly quickly.

The Pepsi Cup truck series is the shortest, with 18 races and 5 of them already run.

SCRAM 2016 and Winston Cup 1979 are 30+ races each.

Then I can move on to the various baseball replays, starting with the John D’Acquisto rookie season replay.  And I really want to play and finish the 1967 San Francisco Giants season replay.

There will be pauses for football (NFL/AFL/CFL), boxing, and non-sports games as well.

Stay tuned!

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