
As I have yet to play a basketball game that I already own, it was easy for me to shake off the urge to pick up the new basketball game from Sideline Strategy Games, who also makes Payoff Pitch Baseball.

And I don’t know when I’m going to attempt to play Inside the Paint or Statis-Pro Basketball.

Stay tuned!

Deadball 1909?

Only 2 of 90 games played in the SFBAL that I created, and I’m already planning on making a second league, based on the Deadball 1909 rules.

The major difference is that it will truly play like the deadball era, with less homers and more squeeze plays and stealing bases and strategy that I usually don’t use.

And this time I’ll used themed teams, including real life people who I know.  And the teams will be co-ed.

Stay tuned!