Bingo chips

So what’s with the Bingo chips that I got today?

In Red White & Blue Racing, there are certain drivers in every race that are designated as ‘TV drivers’, who are featured (for good or bad reasons) during the race week, and get a better chance in qualifying and in advancing forward during a race.

In the original game, the TV drivers are identified by a slightly different colored card.

But another player on the Facebook page showed off his idea of using a different colored ‘chip’ to designate the TV drivers.

The ones that I got are slightly bigger than the game’s original blue ‘performance’ chips, which are used by drivers to win or fend off challenges for position with other drivers.

This change eliminates the need for the second set of cards, thus speeding up setup and reducing the contents in the box.

This may or may not change the likelihood of me playing this game more often.  Which is good considering the number of race seasons I have and the current replays I have running (SCRAM 2016, SCRAM Trucks Pepsi Cup, Winston Cup 1979).

Stay tuned!