
I still can’t seem to pick up playing table top basketball or hockey.

i was able to learn a new football game today without any problems.

I can play baseball, auto racing, soccer, football, boxing, wrestling and golf games.

But every time I start to setup and read the rules for hockey or basketball, my brain can’t seem to grok.



Another game that’s been sitting on my shelf for a couple of years, I finally sat down with and learned how to play Grid Iron Wars.


It’s probably one of the simplest sports games I’ve ever played, mainly because it relies so heavily on the APBA die-roll convention (2 d6, 11-66 result range)

I played 1/2 a game between the 1997 Denver Broncos and the 1997 San Francisco 49ers, and it flowed pretty smoothly, with about as many chart look-ups as other football games that I’ve played.

I liked how the game felt, play by play, with an almost quick play feel to it.

I’ll try to finish up the current game tomorrow, and then start a college game, which is one reason I wanted to learn how to play this one.

Though I do have Yet Another Game™ coming in later this week.

Stay tuned!