Glory Days Boxing: Test Run

While going through the rule book for the new boxing game, they used Muhammad Ali and Jack Dempsey for all the examples

So I decided to play my first fight with them.

I’m going to do 10 round fights from here on out, instead of the 15 round bouts that I ran in Title Bout II.


Scoring is a bit more extensive in this new game, though I think I can use the three judge system in Title Bout II as well. Here you can roll on optional charts to get a referee and judges for your fight.  Judges can affect a fight through scoring, as can the ref by their biases toward the fighters themselves.

I did miss some cut/swelling checks in the earlier rounds, though Ali received swelling on his right eye about halfway into the fight.  I think that woke him up and he outscored Dempsey for the rest of the contest.

Unanimous decision: Muhammad Ali defeats Jack Dempsey.

Verdict: I like this game.

Though I’ll still play Title Bout II for the other weight classes that Glory Days doesn’t have.

And perhaps I’ll dabble in DICE Boxing, if I ever get around to printing out the boxers from even more weight classes.

Stay tuned!

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