PLAAY Holiday Sale 2020

No sign of the two missing MLB NL card sets.

But did pick up a few PDFs from‘s 2020 Holiday sale, including:

  • a new jai-alai game
  • the NFL/AFL 1969 season for Second Season football
  • the MLB 1975 season for History Maker Baseball, which comes full circle since the sample teams in my original boxed game were the 2 World Series teams from 1975
  • the 1960 SCRAM (fictional) season for Red White & Blue Racing

Of the 4 I’ve already printed out the racing set, and am currently making the schedule for the Replay To Be Started Soon™.

The funny thing is that just last week I was wondering if PLAAY was ever going to come out with a 1960s season set for the game.  Hopefully a NASCAR set will be produced from that era.

I’m still hoping that those two season sets show up.

Stay tuned!

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