Blood Bowl 2020: Second Season Edition


Another big box

That’s a lot of plastic sprues

And a cardboard sheet between the paper and plastic goods

Deep into the interior of the box



The new rulebook, which is sold separately as well. 138 pages.

Dugouts, smaller than the last edition’s

The pitch

Transfers which I never use

Some assembly required. With glue.

Dugout type 1

Dugout type 2

Cheat sheets for the two teams which some with the game, Imperials and Black Orcs

Nice rulebook

A ribbon, very fancy

Ah, orcs

Fancy pants team

My primary team

These came with the 2016 set

Also came with the 2016 set

Another team I purchased and was primarily going to use in Blitz Bowl

I’ll probably put the team miniatures together sometime later.

Stay tuned!

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