Blood Bowl Thoughts

As much as I’ve fallen into this rabbit hole, I’m making a point to not grab as many teams as I had for previous editions, or even for Blitz Bowl.

I still have the 2016 base game teams, Humans and Orcs, and a Skaven team that I never got from previous editions of the game.


The 2020 set comes with two new teams: an Imperial Nobility team and a Black Orc team, each with a Big Guy and a Star Player.

I decided to get one more team, the one I’ve always been interested in: Lizardmen.

And I went third party to get an appropriate Big Guy for this team.

Krogaton, or Kroxigor for the Lizardmen team. Of course I’m nicknaming him ‘Zilla.

I had over a dozen teams for the third edition back in the day.  I’m not doing that this time.

Though I did get a second Big Guy that I can use if necessary.

A mountain ogre named Ergo (heh), though I’m gonna call him Wrecker.

I suppose I can still play with my old teams, they’re just gonna look tiny compared to the current game’s miniatures.

Orcs by game edition: 1st (1986), 2nd (1988), 3rd (1994), current (2016/2020)

I’ll take some better comparison pics and assemble the new teams soon.

Stay tuned!

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