Time Travel Baseball

Last week I had an itch to play this, one of the many games that have been collecting dust on my shelf since 2014.

I wasn’t sure where I put it, and almost bought a new copy of the game.

Instead I bought a PDF of the 1890 Players League that I’d print out later, once I figured out how to play the game again.

Today I found the box where I moved the game parts and player cards, and what did I find along with those items?

A PRINTED set of the 1890s Players League, which is weird because I went through my past orders at Downey Games and didn’t find it listed, which I why I decided to get the PDF copy.

Ah well.

I also found the position player card and the pitcher’s card with my name one it, should I feel the need to include myself on a team in the game.

And I did manage to play a game, back when I bought it.

I’ve already missed 2 days of my ‘game-a-day’ plan for this year, and adding this game into the mix may not be the smartest idea.

We’ll see.

Stay tuned!