Wrestling Returns

It’s been about 6 years since we last heard from the FFWF (Facebook Friends Wrestling Federation), there was even an upgrade to the Face to the Mat game that promised more wrestling action, but the game sat unplayed under a pile of uncut cards for other games.

Since I’ve moved, that game has been rediscovered, and a return to wrestling is imminent, but I’m switching to PLAAY.com’s fictional wrestling card sets.

The real reason I didn’t play for all that time was that two of the wrestlers were Facebook friends who had passed away (the wrestler cards were retired), and then the Facebook friend who was going to take over as emcee had also passed away.

So I’m starting fresh with some existing card sets, the 70s and 80s Wrestling America Federation sets.

I may revisit the FFWL at some point in the future.

Stay tuned!

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