Blood Bowl 2024

As you may or may not know, I recently moved into an apartment, and a lot of my gaming stuff has been put in storage.

I did manage to bring my Blood Bowl stuff to the apartment.  Or so I thought.

I got the itch to paint and maybe play later this week, so Sunday I did manage to do some painting/touch ups on a few models.

L-R: Tomb Kings lineman, Tomb Kings Star Player Titankhamen, Star Player Zeus, Treeman, Squig

After painting I discovered that I had left a couple of team storage containers in my storage unit, including the one with all the Blitz Bowl/BB7s teams.  Whoops.

This morning I began to set up the pitch for a Blood Bowl game later today, only to find that I also left the storage tray with all the necessary tokens and bits to play (footballs, etc.) in storage as well.  Double whoops.

*cue sad trombone*

So I guess I’ll be making a trip to my storage unit later this week.

Stay tuned!

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