2012: Stock Car Racing America, Race 21

July 29th, 2012: the Colonial 500 @ Eastern Seaboard Speedway.

Race results:

Vic Holder wins his 3rd race of the season.

Stu Yurich and Tom Rossi claw their way from the back of the grid to finishing 6th and 3rd respectively.

Current standings:

The 6th place finish keeps Yurich on top of the points standings.

Next: the Snooze-Inn 350 @ Sun King Speedway.

Stay tuned!

1995: Stock Car Racing America

Just released from PLAAY Games, this throwback fictional season featured the debut of Wayne Montana, who is retiring in their latest (2023) SCRAM season.

He’s the backup driver for Greg Doty in the #66 Megadodo Publications Dodge.

In 1996, he’ll be hired as the full time driver for the #99 LexCorp Chevy, vacated by the retiring Bobby Parris.

1995 season schedule:

I may run the first race this weekend.

Stay tuned!

Mach GoGoGo

I’ve decided to focus on finishing up the 2012 SCRAM racing series before dong anything else (baseball, hockey, soccer), mainly because this came in on Wednesday:

I also have the 1960 SCRAM season underway, so I’d like to finish one (or both?) of these before starting another season.

At this rate I may play out all the SCRAM seasons (2012-2023) before getting back to NASCAR seasons for this game.  Maybe alternate between SCRAM and NASCAR?

Stay tuned!

2012: Stock Car Racing America, Race 19

July 15th, 2012: the Bitty Beer 400 @ Southern Super Speedway.

Race results:

There was an early race crash involving a dozen cars running in the rear of the field, knocking out two from the race.

A late pit stop violation resulted in Wayne Montana finishing as the last car running, in 38th place.

Current standings:

Montana’s 38th place finish allowed Stu Yurich to reclaim the points lead.

Next: the Doby’s Firecracker 400 @ Heart of America Motor Speedway.

Stay tuned!

Level Up

Just as good as the AdapTableTop.

Though it’s weird that it’s a bit curved when connected.

The center legs float unless something heavier is placed atop the surface.

This is the same size as the AdapTableTop (2′ x 3′) though I have parts to make a 3′ x 4′ playing surface, which should be more than enough real estate for any game I play, except Star Wars Legion (calls for a 3′ x 6′ play area).


This appears to work as well as the StageTop table.

Way less setup and take down time.

The StageTop option certainly looked nicer, but in the end it’s all about usability, which the AdapTableTop has more of, to be totally honest.

The rails on the StageTop looked great, but really served no purpose, other than looking cool.  With AdapTableTop I can have stuff hanging off the edges, like a clipboard or APBA game book, which the rails prevent.

I’ll probably set up the Level Up from Spidermind Games at some point to see how that looks/works.

Stay tuned!