What Year Now?

I went and bought yet another season for Ball Park Baseball, from yet another person on the Delphi forums.  Surprisingly it was a year that I didn’t have in any other game system.

There’s no New York Knights team, or Roy Hobbs, but it’s the same season that the movie The Natural took place.

Stay tuned!


Something I forgot to do before I started my 1917 MLB replay was to reverse all transactions per team, to get opening day rosters.

And because of lower limits of who gets carded in Ball Park Baseball, I’m going to have to make some creative adjustments to some of these starting lineups.

I’m almost done with Opening Day.

Stay tuned!

1967 vs. 1921

31 games played in each replay.

New York Giants 1921: 2 and a half years to get to that point.

San Francisco Giants 1967: 6 months to get to that point.

Granted, I was replaying the 1958 San Francisco Giants season while playing the 1921 replay, as well as the 1967 ‘daily’ replay with Scoreboard Baseball.

We’ll see which Giants replay gets finished first.

Stay tuned!