The Return

Baseball resumes tomorrow, July 16th, with a triple-header:

Ball Park Baseball 1971: Game 47, Expos @ Giants

Payoff Pitch Baseball 1921: Game 46, Giants @ Pirates

Inside Pitch 1988, Game 1: Mets @ Expos

I’m replaying the first season replay that I ever attempted, the 1988 New York Mets season, using Inside Pitch.  I asked for and got a copy of the latest rules and charts, so I figured that with would be a good time to take that game out for a spin again.

And yes, I plan to get back to the 1917 season soon.

Stay tuned!

Replay Review

I looked over what I had been playing last year, and I found a couple of replays that I started but never continued, like the 1936 World Series.

I’ll get to that one soon.  Heck, I set up a Google Sheet to replay the New Giants 1936 season before I realized that I had played game one of the World Series.  So I may do both, backwards, finishing the 1936 World Series and then replaying the Giants 1936 season.

As if I didn’t have enough replays started already.

Incidentally, I also set up the San Francisco Giants 1980 season replay in Google Sheets as well.  For reasons.

Stay tuned!