Fifty and A Hundred

It just occurred to me that my two current Giants season replays are 1971 and 1921.

Fifty and one hundred years ago, and 50 years apart.

Much like the 1967 and 1917 replays, one of which I had finished (1967) and the other (1917), well, I still have over 1200 games to go…

But I think it’s possible to finish one or maybe both ’71 and ’21 replays by year’s end, IF I commit to playing both more often.

We’ll see how it goes.

Stay tuned!

1978, er, 1988: Giants, er, Mets Replay

I was about to start a 4th full season team replay, with the 1978 SF Giants, until I realized that I had already started a 1977 SF Giants replay.  That’s too close, even for me.

What to do, what to do.

And then I remember my original plan of re-replaying my first ever sports replay, with the 1988 New York Mets. 1988 new York Mets baseball yearbook em/nm: Sports Collectibles

Stay tuned!

1921: Giants Replay, Game 34

Almost a year between games in this replay.  Hopefully It won’t be that long until the next one.

Final from Braves Field:

As always , it took a couple of innings to get back into the rhythm and flow of a game that I hadn’t played in a few months.

The new, printed 1921 season set is a nice upgrade from the old PDF set that I printed 6 years ago.  For one thing I think more players are included, for another a team of 1921 Negro Leaguers was included.  Not sure what I’m going to do with them yet, maybe have them play each of the MLB teams in the set.

Stay tuned!