1948: Giants Replay, Game 1

Opening Day at the Polo Grounds!

NEW YORK – APRIL, 1948. On Opening Day at the Polo Grounds in New York, Mel Ott, left, and Leo Durocher pack in the baseballs before the start of game number one in April of 1948. (Photo by Mark Rucker/Transcendental Graphics, Getty Images)

Final from the Polo Grounds:

A pitcher’s duel, with Pee Wee Reese driving in the only runs in the game for the Dodgers.

This is only the second Payoff Pitch Baseball game that I played using the Fast Action Cards instead of dice.  Oddly enough, the first game I played was this exact same game, but scored by hand in a pre-printed score book that was part of the rewards for the Kickstarter campaign for the 1948 season cards.  Supposedly there was an issue with that score book, so I put off continuing this replay until I got a replacement, which never came.

I decided to restart this replay since I was only one game in.

Stay tuned!

’21 to ’48

I haven’t touched my 1921 Giants replay in a while, and I recently found out that a new printed set of cards for that season will be coming out from Sideline Strategy.  I have the DIY PDF version.

So I’m putting that replay officially on hold and restarting the 1948 Giants replay.

That 1948 replay was to be hand scored and use fast action cards (FACs) instead of dice.  I’ve since decided to forego hand scoring because of my arthritis, and perhaps do a combination of FACs and dice.

I’ll have it all sorted out this week.  And I’ll go back to the 1921 season once the new cards come out.

Stay tuned!

Grid Iron Wars

I ordered the Fast Action System and Advanced Game for Grid Iron Wars, along with the other two AAFC seasons available (1948, 1949), and Downey Games threw in the 1969 AFL season as an extra.  Cool!

I wonder if it’s because this year is the first time the Kansas City Chiefs have been in the Super Bowl since then, 50 years ago?

Of course now I should get the 1969 NFL season so I can replay Super Bowl IV.  Then again, I didn’t get the 1967 NFL season when I got the 1967 AFL season.

Stay tuned!