PLAAY Holiday Sale 2020

No sign of the two missing MLB NL card sets.

But did pick up a few PDFs from‘s 2020 Holiday sale, including:

  • a new jai-alai game
  • the NFL/AFL 1969 season for Second Season football
  • the MLB 1975 season for History Maker Baseball, which comes full circle since the sample teams in my original boxed game were the 2 World Series teams from 1975
  • the 1960 SCRAM (fictional) season for Red White & Blue Racing

Of the 4 I’ve already printed out the racing set, and am currently making the schedule for the Replay To Be Started Soon™.

The funny thing is that just last week I was wondering if PLAAY was ever going to come out with a 1960s season set for the game.  Hopefully a NASCAR set will be produced from that era.

I’m still hoping that those two season sets show up.

Stay tuned!

Grid Iron Wars

I ordered the Fast Action System and Advanced Game for Grid Iron Wars, along with the other two AAFC seasons available (1948, 1949), and Downey Games threw in the 1969 AFL season as an extra.  Cool!

I wonder if it’s because this year is the first time the Kansas City Chiefs have been in the Super Bowl since then, 50 years ago?

Of course now I should get the 1969 NFL season so I can replay Super Bowl IV.  Then again, I didn’t get the 1967 NFL season when I got the 1967 AFL season.

Stay tuned!