Grid Iron Wars

I ordered the Fast Action System and Advanced Game for Grid Iron Wars, along with the other two AAFC seasons available (1948, 1949), and Downey Games threw in the 1969 AFL season as an extra.  Cool!

I wonder if it’s because this year is the first time the Kansas City Chiefs have been in the Super Bowl since then, 50 years ago?

Of course now I should get the 1969 NFL season so I can replay Super Bowl IV.  Then again, I didn’t get the 1967 NFL season when I got the 1967 AFL season.

Stay tuned!


I was curious about the early days of the San Francisco 49ers, and an internet search later I discovered that they had started in the All-American Football Conference, not the NFL.

So of course I looked around to see if any table top sports games that I owned had any seasons available from the AAFC (1946-1949).

The oldest I could find was the 1947 AAFC season for Grid Iron Wars.

I may play this season using the 49ers and the Buffalo Bills.

Stay tuned!