Let’s Go Racin’ Boys!

It’s the start of the NASCAR season this weekend, so my plan is to run at least one SCRAM 2013 race on Sunday, and perhaps a couple more during the week.

I’ve said elsewhere that I want to play something more consistently, and Red White & Blue Racin’ is game that I can run a tabletop race in a reasonable amount of time, probably quicker than an average baseball simulation, and definitely much faster than a non-express soccer/hockey/football game simulation.

I have about 14 races left in the 2013 SCRAM season, which can be finished in a couple of months, if I can manage to run 2 races a week.

As for baseball, I believe I have about 64 games left in the 1971 SF Giants season, and more than that (90) in the 1921 NY Giants season.  If I can finish one of those by the end of the year I’ll call it a big success.

That would require me to play about six 1971 games a month and/or nine 1921 games a month.

So those are my tabletop sports goals for the rest of 2025.  We’ll see how much I can get accomplished.

Stay tuned!


I simply have no time to play complete seasons of teams/seasons that I’ve purchased over the years, and it’s about time I admit that to myself.

Except for racing, since those are relatively short seasons.

But as far as baseball, I will play out the 1921 and 1971 Giants season replays over time.

As for everything else, I’ll be playing shorter seasons/projects going forward.

I’m looking at doing no more than 40 games per any given team/season, which should give me plenty of play between a team and the rest of the league.

Football will be ‘as the spirit moves me’, as in I’ll play when time allows and with whatever team/season I feel like playing at the moment.  Though I’ll probably still try to play out Elway’s rookie season.

Hockey, soccer and basketball: same, when I feel like it.

Golf, tennis, wrestling, boxing: also the same.

So many games (sport and non-sport), so little time.

Stay tuned!

1930: Giants Replay, Game 1

Oh look, another replay begins.

I picked this season for an unplayed game system that I chose to check out a few months back, and even picked up a book to learn more about it.

Boston Braves @ New York Giants

Final from the Polo Grounds:

Played this one with Season Ticket Baseball, using the basic rules, and it was pretty fun, especially the 4-run rally in the 8th.

This was mostly a chance for me to learn how to play this game, and I like it.  We’ll see how far I get into this replay before finishing any of the others.

Ultra Quick Sports

I dug out my copies of Ultra Quick Football and Ultra Quick Soccer last week, which then gave me the idea to pick up Ultra Quick Baseball, since it’s supposed to be a way to quickly sim the rest of the games in a single team replay.

I’m going to try it with the 1921 and 1971 season replays that I’m currently playing (though stalled due to my own indifference toward what to play lately).

It’ll probably take as long to sim all the games up to the point where I am in those seasons as it took to play those games.  I hope not.

Stay tuned!