The 50s

February 23, 1968: on the day of my first birthday, Star Trek episode “By Any Other Name” premiered.

Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy steal the Enterprise, technically modify it, and attempt to return home.

Lots to like in this episode, like the Doc from Forbidden Planet as Rojan, and his, er, partner(?) Kalinda.

Best line from this episode?

“It’s green.”

One of Mr. Scott’s finest moments.


Since I forgot to move my car to the non-street cleaning side of the street yesterday, I decided to go out early and do stuff.

First stop was Dunkin Donuts. Now at Target. Need to kill time until Toys R Us opens, and then maybe stop at Gator Games.

Brought along “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” to read, so far, so good. Any book that quotes Buckaroo Banzai has to be good.