
At the last moment I changed my mind again and decided to pledge for my name on an aircraft card in Corsair Leader.

I posted a question to Facebook, asking what would be a good callsign for a World War II F4F Wildcat pilot.

There were a few good suggestions, but I wanted to have some connection to my own Filipino heritage, so when someone suggested ‘Bailout’, I came up with… ‘Balut’.

Chris ‘Balut’ Saguisag, F4F Wildcat pilot, reporting for duty!


So happy that this game got funded, and that the backers were able to knock down some great, nay, awesome stretch goals at the end, including this one:

I was one of a bunch of folks who requested this particular stretch goal.

The last stretch goal (for $105K) gave us P-40 Warhawks to use in the game.  Which of course remind me of John Belushi in the movie 1941.

Looking forward to receiving this game in July.

“Sayonara, sucker!”