Flashback: 1978

7 (ABC) STAR WARS – Drama
R2 is re-captured by the Jawas.  Luke and the gang plot to rescue him.

When I was 11 years old, I imagined that instead of another Star Wars movie, we would get a Star Wars television series.  This was around the time that we had had both a Logan’s Run TV series, and a Planet of the Apes TV series, so it made perfect sense, to me.  I even came up with possible TV Guide listings, like the one above.

I was more than excited when we got a second movie, a couple of years later.

More time passed, and we got more movies, and finally some animated TV series.

But I had always hoped that a live-action series would happen one day.

And now it looks like it’s happening.

I know a lot of folks, including some friends, and of course the toxic fanbois, are decrying this, claiming that Disney is milking the franchise.

Fair enough.

But when George Lucas stated that he was leaving Lucasfilm in the best hands when he sold his company to Disney, what the hell did you think was going to happen?  More periods of no movies?  More books and comics that not everyone reads?

Movies and television are the most accessible form of entertainment.  Lucas himself was too busy running the rest of his company to focus on Star Wars or even Indiana Jones, for that matter.  So why not hand the reins over to a company that could commit the time and resources to create new Star Wars?

And for those who claim that Star Wars isn’t special anymore because of this ‘over exposure’: it was never special to you in the first place.  Not in the way you think it should be.

All those years of nothing but the Expanded Universe, which was consumed by the most diehard fans, but not to the average MOVIEGOER, made for great discussion at conventions or the comic shop or online, but not over casual parties or dinner gatherings.  And if you did find folks talking about Star Wars outside of ‘typical’ venues, they were sometimes in hushed tones, and possibly mocked by others present.

Disney has made Star Wars accessible to everyone.  The jocks who would tease me back in the day are now sporting First Order t-shirts.  The girls who would point and giggle at me and my friends when we were younger are sporting BB-8 purses and Rebel infinity scarves.

This is progress.  Progress that I never thought I would see.

This is my own ‘It Gets Better’ moment.

So when the announcement came this morning that Jon Freaking Favreau was signed on to produce and write a live-action Star Wars TV series, I cried.

Cried because another dream from childhood was coming alive.  And this one is a doozy.

I can’t make anyone change how they feel about anything, particularly Star Wars in this case, but I can sure as hell bask in the joy of this.


I had to double check to see if I typed that right.  Damn these tears in my eyes.

Check Six

The Corsair Leader campaign released the images of the personalized pilot cards for the game, including mine.


Since I was about 11 or 12, when I first built that 1/72 scale model F4F Wildcat ($2 from Woolworth’s in downtown San Francisco), I always wanted to pilot one of these.

This is about as close as I’ll get, I suppose, and my cardboard doppelganger will be fighting the good fight against the Imperial Japanese Navy in World War II.

I can’t wait.

Rebels End

It was a very satisfying ending.

I will certainly miss this series, more than I miss The Clone Wars.

I still say that Rebels is better than Clone Wars.

And I so hope the ending does dovetail into whatever Dave Filoni plans to do next.

Christopher Robin

I always thought I was named after Christopher Robin, until I was told that I was named after an uncle who I had never met until my sister’s 18th birthday party shindig.

I heard about Disney’s plans to make a live action film a while ago, but didn’t think they ever actually would do it.

Yeah, right.

Today they released a teaser poster, so I went to see who is starring in this movie.

Holy crap, Ewan McGregor and Haley Atwell!

And Peter Capaldi is the voice of Rabbit!

And that description…

In the heartwarming live action adventure Disney’s Christopher Robin, the young boy who loved embarking on adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood with a band of spirited and lovable stuffed animals, has grown up and lost his way. Now it is up to his childhood friends to venture into our world and help Christopher Robin remember the loving and playful boy who is still inside.

I guess I’m going to go see this one.  I think I need to see this one.

Weekend Recap

Finished reading “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”.

Picked up the Infinity Gauntlet (prop).

Sorted/organized Massive Darkness and Rising Sun.

Got a couple of Infinity War Pop! figures from my sister.

Watched baseball on TV.

Continued the 1967 San Francisco Giants season replay.

Did my taxes.

Watched the Oscars.

Finished reading “The War of Jokes and Riddles”.