Drakar och Demoner Official Soundtrack

Sometimes I forget to claim all of the items from a Kickstarter pledge.

For example, the soundtrack to Drakar och Demoner/Dragonbane.

Listening to it as I type this, sounds very Epic RPG.

Available pretty much everywhere for purchase or streaming, including Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube.

Pretty cool when they add mood music for a tabletop RPG.

Rings of Power

Looks like I stopped watching this one in the middle of Season 1, because I didn’t want to watch two high fantasy shows at the same time, the other being House of the Dragon.

I was also annoyed that EACH episode was well over an hour long, at least 70 minutes runtime.

However, I got on a Lord of the Rings kick a couple of weeks ago, after watching reaction videos of the Extended Editions.

I may try watching the rest of Season 1 and start on Season 2.

My renewed interest in tabletop fantasy RPGs (the new D&D Player’s Handbook is available next week, I’ll have it Monday) is certainly rekindling interest as well.

On to Rings of Power, Season 1, Episode 5!


The Spider in the Urinal

Monday at work.

I had to go to the bathroom, so I walked over to the men’s room on the 3rd floor.

I walked up to the urinal, unzipped, and started to do my business at the urinal.

I looked down, and saw that a spider was in the urinal, avoiding my pee, but when I stepped away, the spider got caught in the auto flush and disappeared under the splash guard.

Sorry for killing you, spider, I thought to myself.

After zipping up, I walked over to the sink to wash my hands, dried them, left the bathroom and went about my way.

Later, my old man bladder had me up and going to the bathroom again.

I walked to the bathroom, went to the same urinal, unzipped and began to do my business again.

This time, however, I saw that I had actually hit the spider with my pee!  Oh no, I thought to myself.

The auto flush again took him under the splash guard, and I was sure that he was dead this time.

Again I zipped up, washed my hands, dried them, and walked out of the bathroom to continue my work day.

Before leaving for the day I went to the bathroom for a third time, only this time I checked the urinal before doing my business.

Sure enough, the spider was still there.

I figured he had had enough, so I grabbed some paper towels, folded them over and poked at the spider with it, and it grabbed the towels!

I quickly brought him over to the trash bin and tossed the towels and the spider inside.

Be free little guy, I thought to myself, you’ve endured enough today!

I then relieved myself as I had earlier in the day.

I left work feeling good that I rescued a spider.

I hope he’s still out there, thriving.


When I was 14, I first saw the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, and it left the biggest impact on my life.

I’d find myself watching it whenever it came on TV, and sometimes I’d switch to my own copy on tape or disc if the commercials started to annoy me.

It was one of the films that my Dad would stop to watch as well.

Other films in that category are The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (or at least the final confrontation scene) and High Noon.

I noticed that Dad seemed to have the same admiration for High Noon that I had for Raiders.

After Dad passed away, I figured out that High Noon had come out when *HE* was 14.

So I’m left wondering if this movie had the same impact on him at that age, as Raiders did on me.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, man.