
20 minutes ago:

Brain: Do it.
Heart: No, Chris, it’s too painful!
Brain: He must.  It will help him.
Heart: You’re right, dammit.

I went to and played the ending to Field of Dreams.

It hurt.  I ugly cried for a good while.  3 minutes?  5?  Lost track of time.

I love you, Dad.  I miss you.

I’m probably not going to watch this movie again for a while.


Losing a parent is tough.  I learned that 14 years ago when Mom passed away.

It doesn’t get any easier the second time.

We lost Dad yesterday.

Details will follow, regarding services.

For now, your thoughts and prayers for my siblings, and his, are appreciated.

Cowboy Bebop

Last night I get an random alert on my iPad from the Amazon app that ‘an item you may be interested in is on sale’.

Sure enough, Cowboy Bebop 4-disc blu-ray set is on sale for $29.99.

I have never watched it, so I put it in my cart.  And then I got distracted and went to sleep.

This morning I saw that it was still in my cart at Amazon, with delivery on Friday.

I then checked Best Buy to see if they had it in stock at the same price, which they did, and I could pick it up today.

I added it to my cart, and checked to see if I had any reward certificates.  I had three.

$20, $10, and $5.

Since the item was $29.99, I knew it wouldn’t let me use the $20 and the $10 together, so I’m picking this set up after work for a little over $5 and change.

It also appears that I bought the last one at this Best Buy location.

Go me.

Games Day 05.05.2018


Betrayal at House on the Hill

Second game, my character trapped in the basement until Glenn arrived in a magic elevator



Except for a couple of days with friends every month, I am a solitaire gamer.

Or solo gamer.

I miss the days when my friends and I would play games almost every weekend, mostly role-playing games like Star Trek or Top Secret.  Nowadays we do RPGs once a month.

Because of this we’re limited to sticking with a given game world or system for a few months, like D&D or Hyperlanes or some superhero-based system.  Meanwhile, other systems stay on the shelves, collecting dust.

Imagine my surprise when I went to and discovered this:

The Cepheus Engine is another name for the classic Traveller RPG system, and this product allows one to play without a referee/game master in any of the existing versions of Traveller.

Like the one that I have at home from Mongoose Publishing.

At 150+ pages, this looks to be a good way for me to play Traveller… Solo.

We’ll see.

*dust off Traveller core rule book*

Crock Pot Experiments

  • 2 lbs chicken breast
  • bag of diced sweet potatoes
  • 1 cup Memphis-style BBQ sauce

Cut chicken into smaller pieces (1 inch?).  Place 1/2 in bottom of 2-qt crock pot.  Place 1/2 of bag of sweet potatoes in crock pot.  Pour sauce over contents.  Add rest of sweet potatoes and rest of chicken.  Set for high cooking (5 hours).  Every 1.5-2 hours or so, stir contents.  Serve over steamed rice.

Infinity War

To me, it was epic and it lived up to the hype.

My only complaint was a distinct lack of a helicarrier in this one.

I can’t believe I ate a large popcorn by myself.

Thanos is still my favorite over Darkseid.

I was way off on my ‘death guesses’.

We got a poster and a coin as we were leaving, too.

Peter Dinklage is awesome.

“I am Steve Rogers.”