
New game!

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Rebellion

It says that it’s a 2-4 player game, but everywhere I look says that it’s really a 2-player game, or 2 teams of two players, which may as well just be 2-players.

Let’s take a look at it!

That’s a thick, deep box…
Rulebook #1
Rulebook #2
Boards, counters, player display boards
Game parts and stuff!
Stands for leader counters
Miniatures of the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance
More minis for the Empire…
Star Destroyers to be assembled
Assembled Imperial-class SDs along with Super-class SSDs
Interesting… 3 Death Stars?
Yep, 3 Death Stars…
TIE fighters
Imperial Assault Carriers and scout walkers
Most of the minis, highlighting the ground forces (AT-ATs and AT-STs)
And… Stormtroopers
Imperial troops have… assembled on the table…
Rebel Mon Calamari cruisers
Transports in the upper left, fighters and other ships, power generators and ion cannons
Blockade runners
Assembled Rebel fores, including troops, Y-wings, X-wings, and speeders

I’ll take more pics once I set up the game and/or play with someone.