APBA Football

The football game arrived a day later than I had anticipated.

And I never imagined that I would own all 5 of these games.

It’s here!

1983 season card set

Veteran Defenseman and Rookie QB

I went through the rules and Thursday and Friday and started a game on Saturday.

Sunday, September 4th, 1983: Denver @ Pittsburgh, John Elway’s debut.

On his first drive, on 3rd and goal from the 1 yard line, Elway punches it in for a touchdown!

I decided to try out the 9-card sheets to see if this makes game play more efficient, basically turning a card game into a team sheet game.  Heh.

Almost halfway into this game and while it does take as long as any other play by play football game I’ve played, I seem to be having more fun with this one.  Maybe it’s just the newness and novelty of it, but I have the same buzz from it as I had when I first tried APBA Soccer and Hockey, two games that I prefer, given time, over the other soccer and hockey games that I’ve played or own.  That’s not to say any of the other games are bad, I’m just finding that APBA is more enjoyable as a tabletop simulation.

Stay tuned!

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