SBI Fight 1: Ali vs. Valuev

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the opening bout of the Scott Bullerwell Invitational!


Ali stuns Valuev with a flurry of punches, and Mills Lane stops the fight at 2:49 of the first round.  TKO awarded to Muhammad Ali.

By far the quickest fight I’ve ever played.  By extension, the shortest replay game I’ve ever played.  Wow.

Next up:

George Foreman vs. Evander Holyfield.

Stay tuned!

Boxing Revisited

I’m not sure what caused my current interest in my boxing games.

That said, I think I’ll be focusing again on Title Bout II and Glory Days Boxing.

DICE Boxing will be played if I ever get more than half of the boxers printed out (print-and-play game).  Same goes for Diggin’ Deep Boxing and Main Event Boxing.

I should go through the original Title Bout game that I won from eBay.

I may or may not get a printed version of Legends of Boxing.

Stay tuned!