Future Plans

I plan on continuing the following ongoing replays:

1921 NY Giants (Payoff Pitch Baseball)
1971 SF Giants (Ball Park Baseball)
2015-16 Tottenham Hotspur (APBA Soccer)
2020-21 AFC Richmond (Dice United)
1984 Winston Cup (Red White & Blue Racin’)
2012 SCRAM (Red White & Blue Racin’)
1960 Denver Broncos (Fast Drive Football)
1967 Denver Broncos (Second Season/Second Season Express/Inside Blitz/Grid Iron Wars)

At some point I plan on adding hockey and basketball into the mix, as time permits.  I just have to decide which replays to include:

1966-67 NHL (Hockey Blast)
1969-70 Oakland Seals (Hockey Blast)
1991-92 San Jose Sharks (APBA)
2013-14 IHL (Hockey Blast, fictional)
2022-23 Central Cities League (Stone Cold Hockey, fictional)

1960-61 Syracuse Nationals (Bank Shot Basketball)
1966-67 San Francisco Warriors (Inside the Paint)
2022-23 Basketball League of America (Highlight Maker Hoops, fictional)

And of course I’ll be tracking all the games right here.

Stay tuned!

New Year, New In Progress Chart

Sure, let’s add the 1947 49ers replay, and put the 1967 Warriors replay back on the schedule.

Stay tuned!

In Progress, Revision to the Revised Revision of the Revision

The main change is putting the 1967 Warriors on hold, along with the 1988 Mets (revisited) replay.  I anticipate playing a soccer game with PSV soon, and hopefully starting basketball and hockey in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned!