Final from San Diego Stadium:
The Giants sweep the series in San Diego, with 3 home runs by McCovey, Dietz, and Henderson.
Next up: the Giants travel to St. Louis for a series against the Cardinals.
Stay Tuned!
The Table Top Sports Games of Chris Saguisag
I just read on Facebook and on the Delphi forums that Ball Park Baseball ceased operations yesterday. They will stop taking orders on August 15th.
I have enough seasons to keep me busy for years to come, but it’s a shame that they were close to releasing an updated version of the game, along with an online version, and parties involved had a falling out.
The 1917 and 1971 season replays will continue sometime soon.
Stay tuned.
I missed the initial announcements by about a week, but apparently there are plans in the works for a revamping of the look and feel of the cards and dice version of the game, in addition to a COMPUTER version of the game.
What’s most impressive to me is the news that the computer version will run on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS and Android.
Or at the very least, my iPad via iOS.
The thing is, as exciting as this is, I may still opt to play the cards and dice version.
At least all of my older season cards will still be playable with the new stuff. And thy’re going to release sets with ALL players per team, which is an issue when you play full season replays with current BPB sets.
Sadly, since I was a week late on this news, I missed out on being a tester for either the new format or the computer version of the game. Ah well.
Stay tuned!
I mentioned it elsewhere (Facebook) that I decided to abandon the Box Seat Baseball replay and just play this one with Ball Park Baseball, which I’m more familiar with, and I had the season cards for this one as well.
Box Seat Baseball is a solid game, it just seems like there’s even more chart flipping that I would do with BP Baseball.
Let’s see how long it takes me to do THIS replay.
Stay tuned!
I just happen to be at the Giants home opener in my 1939 replay, so that’s what I’ll play for Opening Day 2019.
This year’s traditional flyby will be performed by a pair of Viper Mk.II ships from the Battlestar Galactica.
Here they come…
And there they go!
Game will be played when I get home from work tonight.
Stay tuned!
I’ve been on a board game kick for the past month, mainly because of a trip to Dice Tower West in Las Vegas, less than a week from the last table top sports game that I played.
That changes this week, of course, what with baseball’s Opening Day in a few days.
Plus I’ll probably get around to the NASCAR and SCRAM racing series that I have running.
And I’ll probably do a boxing match or two in the next week or so.
Stay tuned!