1985: Dwight Gooden Replay, Game 1

As I said in the previous post, I have tried to start this shorter replay using BallScore, but it never calculated games correctly, so I decided to try Digital Diamond’s Boardgame Companion, and it worked pretty well.

The game gave me a running play-by-play commentary, which was nice.  I had a few moments of having to look stuff up, specifically how to enter plays into the game and relearning Inside Pitch Baseball.

I also had to figure out how to replace pitchers after pinch hitting for them, and after the game I corrected the team names and logos.

I’ll probably run this replay with this program, and my other existing replays using BallScore.

The boxscores come out about the same as in BallScore.

The result was the same for Gooden (no decision) but Jack Clark changed the outcome with a 2-run blast in the 11th inning.

2024 Goals

  • Complete at least one baseball replay (1921/1971)
  • Complete the SCRAM 2012 season
  • Complete a hockey/soccer/football replay
  • Complete the Scott Bullerwell Heavyweight Invitational
  • Start a basketball replay

Lofty goals to be sure, but I’ve been putting shit off long enough.

Stay tuned!

AHA! Moment 2?

After playing one period of APBA Hockey, I felt oddly… calm, almost at peace with the universe.

One pass through the rule book and I seemed to have gotten most of it down, in addition to a few suggested hints on play along the way.

The result was a period of tabletop hockey that reminded me of and felt like actually being at a hockey game.

After I finish this game up (tonight, I hope) I’ll tackle Strat-O-Matic Hockey, and if I’m really adventurous, I may pull out In the Crease Hockey.

Stay tuned!

Seasons: NHL

Replay plans for the various hockey games:

  • Inside the Crease: 1966-67 NHL, from my not-yet-abandoned goal to complete replays in all the major sports for the year I was born.  Team: Toronto Maple Leafs
  • APBA Hockey: 1991-92 NHL, the season I became a hockey fans thanks to the newly formed San Jose Sharks.  Team: San Jose Sharks
  • Hockey Blast: 2013-14 IHL (homebrew league), using the fictional season from PLAAY that year.  Team: entire league
  • Stone Cold Hockey: 2022-23 Central Cities League, another fictional season.  Team: TBD
  • Shootout Hockey: 1993-94 NHL), the greatest turnaround season ever for the Sharks.  Team: San Jose Sharks
  • Strat-O-Matic Hockey: 1945-46 NHL, the season I believe is chronicled in the animated short, “The Sweater”.  Team: Montreal Canadiens, perhaps the entire league

Stay tuned!

Future Plans

I plan on continuing the following ongoing replays:

1921 NY Giants (Payoff Pitch Baseball)
1971 SF Giants (Ball Park Baseball)
2015-16 Tottenham Hotspur (APBA Soccer)
2020-21 AFC Richmond (Dice United)
1984 Winston Cup (Red White & Blue Racin’)
2012 SCRAM (Red White & Blue Racin’)
1960 Denver Broncos (Fast Drive Football)
1967 Denver Broncos (Second Season/Second Season Express/Inside Blitz/Grid Iron Wars)

At some point I plan on adding hockey and basketball into the mix, as time permits.  I just have to decide which replays to include:

1966-67 NHL (Hockey Blast)
1969-70 Oakland Seals (Hockey Blast)
1991-92 San Jose Sharks (APBA)
2013-14 IHL (Hockey Blast, fictional)
2022-23 Central Cities League (Stone Cold Hockey, fictional)

1960-61 Syracuse Nationals (Bank Shot Basketball)
1966-67 San Francisco Warriors (Inside the Paint)
2022-23 Basketball League of America (Highlight Maker Hoops, fictional)

And of course I’ll be tracking all the games right here.

Stay tuned!

The Return

Baseball resumes tomorrow, July 16th, with a triple-header:

Ball Park Baseball 1971: Game 47, Expos @ Giants

Payoff Pitch Baseball 1921: Game 46, Giants @ Pirates

Inside Pitch 1988, Game 1: Mets @ Expos

I’m replaying the first season replay that I ever attempted, the 1988 New York Mets season, using Inside Pitch.  I asked for and got a copy of the latest rules and charts, so I figured that with would be a good time to take that game out for a spin again.

And yes, I plan to get back to the 1917 season soon.

Stay tuned!

1978, er, 1988: Giants, er, Mets Replay

I was about to start a 4th full season team replay, with the 1978 SF Giants, until I realized that I had already started a 1977 SF Giants replay.  That’s too close, even for me.

What to do, what to do.

And then I remember my original plan of re-replaying my first ever sports replay, with the 1988 New York Mets.

Amazon.com: 1988 new York Mets baseball yearbook em/nm: Sports Collectibles

Stay tuned!


You know you have too many seasons when you misplace not one, but two sets of MLB National League season cards.

I can’t seem to find the 1978 and 1985 NL card sets for Inside Pitch baseball.  I last played with them in September of last year.  The 1988 NL set is all I found in the Inside Pitch game box.

Ah well, they’ll turn up eventually, I suppose.